"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." ~Richard Bach

Those of us who are lucky experience the complete unraveling of our lives. A life turned upside down creates the opportunity for radical change. Whether it's a divorce, death of a loved one, sudden poverty, or life changing illness, we may find ourselves forced to reevaluate identity, meaning, reality.

Corneal dystrophy has been the empowering experience of my life. I lost access to visual beauty, but discovered that we swim in a sea of unnoticed yet exquisitely beautiful sounds, textures, smells, and motion. The disease was crushingly cruel and my organ donor gave me the purest form of unconditional kindness. I lost the illusion of control, and tasted serenity and freedom. I gave up the future I had planned, and experienced the richness of the present moment.

Life became an infinite playground- with a little help from Lao Tsu.

About Me

  • Must touch trees & rocks daily.
  • Middle aged and showing up for the adventure. 
  • Buddha & Lao Tsu speak to me, religious fluff and ritual don't. 
  • I have enough underwear, jeans, and pullover shirts to get me through the week. 
  • Sometimes wish I could run faster. (Not that I ever have to.) 
  • I have the cornea of a fifty year old man in my left eye. (Organ Donation) (My Jewel of Kindness)
  • I make money by teaching couples how to dance together.
  • Much to our cultures dismay, I practice the art of doing less.
  • My husband, dog, and I live on a dirt road in a hilly, rocky forest. 
  • Hate paperwork. 
  • It took me 40 years to find the love of my life.  I'm quiet, he's Irish.   
  • Admire my beloved adult children & step children - 2 teachers, a healer, & an organic farmer. 
  • In love with & endlessly entertained by my grandchildren.
  • I'm a Salsera.